Saturday, November 24, 2007

Getting Out the Door Thankfully

Playpen. Check.
Diaper Bag. Check.
Extra Diapers (sizes two and five) and a few thousand baby wipes. Check.
Cameras, both the video and photo varieties. Check.
Bedding for one baby, one toddler, two preschoolers, and two adults. Check.
Laptop computer because you just never know. Check.
Large lime green suitcase containing clothing for four children/two adults for three days plus extra clothing for accidents that will happen inevitably. (Accidents include but are not limited to the following: spills, squished food, dirt, mangled dust bunnies and miscellaneous foul-smelling substances that may attach to my children and/or their clothing at Grandma's house usually producing sticky and/or smelly children.) In all available airspace in large lime green suitcase pack pants, T-shirts, underwear, socks, onesies, sleepers, burp rags, bibs, pajamas, jackets and long sleeve shirts multiplied by six (family members) and again by three (days). Check.
Toiletries and anything useful in restoring sticky and/or smelly children to a normal state of semi-cleanliness. Check.
Coats and shoes ready by the front door to quickly usher children to the truck before one or more needs to use the bathroom (again) or wets (or worse) a diaper. Check.
Child safety seats buckled to ensure a safe and extremely super snug hour and a half ride to Grandmas. Check.
Plastic bowls to serve greasy, fried foods to children in the backseat while traveling to Grandmas. Check.
Drinks to ration over the span of the short road trip to avoid if at all possible a "potty stop". Check.
Cell phone because we have one. Check.
One husband, one toddler, one preschool girl and one preschool boy. Check.
One final walk through to make sure I didn't forget anything. Check.
One baby boy. Check.
Thankful for all the crap I have to pack to celebrate Thanksgiving at Grandma's house. Check.
Getting out the door only two hours beyond Brian's schedule (Woohoo! A new record). Check.

Aaaaand, refusing to use that "priceless" tag line to end this post. Check.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Brennan Manning

"Once you come to know the love of Jesus Christ, nothing else in the world will seem as beautiful or desirable." An older Franciscan told Brennan Manning the day he joined the Order.

For more, read Manning's biography at

I stumbled upon Manning first in a conversation with Jessica Goodwin earlier this week and again when I rediscovered a book buried in a box in our basement written by Manning. Just a scan over a few pages has warmed my heart...a much needed warming I must say. Good stuff.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Banana Lip

How could I forget!?!?!?!

Okay, minor detail from the last week...

While in the hospital acting as Noah's personal milk cow, my upper lip for some unknown reason swelled up. Picture a moderate size banana, flesh color and attached to my face - no kidding!!! I should have taken pictures but it didn't seem like a Kodak moment at the time.

I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind in the hospital, but as it turns out I became the freak show in Room 3405. All the student nurses came by to "check the monitors" when in fact they wanted to get a glimpse of my fat, lip. The nurses debated the cause of my ever-growing upper lip - fever blister, cold sore, allergic reaction - but it was our pediatrician that concluded it must be an allergic reaction. Crazy, because I'm allergic to nothing...until now.

And, I really mean until now. After getting home from the hospital Saturday and my lip finally gave up its fruity ways, I had a day of rest and then broke out in full body hives last night. Come ON! Yes, hives...and I'm allergic to NOTHING. Not a thing, people! Until now.

The Hospital Again

Around 2:00 am on Thursday Brian took Noah to the Emergency Room. He had a fever that spiked to 102.8 and it was SCARY! By the time Mom arrived from Columbia and my brother, Michael, drove me to the hospital to find Brian, Noah had already been given a room and had an IV attached to his head. The ER staff had just completed their systematic tests with all the poking and prodding. All the needed blood was drawn and we were told to wait. Wait until Saturday the hospital.

NOTE TO SELF: When rushing to any area hospital always bring a change of socks and underwear...and a toothbrush, extra shirt, some snacks, something to read, a journal, and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. If time allows, grab Brian's toothbrush, too.

After learning how to avoid the wires and monitor cords attached to my newborn, I settled in for the two day "mini-vacation" with Noah. I spent hours sitting in a broken, reclining rocker that was propped up against the wall facing the all-important TV. While in the hospital I reaffirmed my personal hatred of cable television, needles, plastic pillows and monitors with annoying alarms, but fell more in love with my newest baby. Noah, even while battling sickness in his little body, smiled and cooed as if to reassure me that he was feeling better. He is an amazing baby with an even more amazing temperament.

This morning after too many hours of cautiously positioning the IV line away from Noah's tiny hands, all attachments were finally removed and we were allowed to return home. We're tired and couldn't be happier to be out of the hospital! Noah no longer has a fever but does have a lingering cough and a few bruises from IV "misses" on his hands and head. Oh, and he has a bald spot as one of the nurses had to cut the mass of tape holding the IV in place from his little head. AH! His first haircut and I didn't take pictures! - isn't that a sin of some kind???

So, no more sicknesses or hospital visits for this family, please!!! Bring on the turkey and the Christmas tree! We need a real vacation!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

God's Will from Our Hearts

Let's say God has His will for your life written on a simple sheet of paper in heaven. And, let's say God gave you that simple sheet of paper to read over. At the very bottom of the surprisingly blank page is an endorsement giving you permission by Almighty God to write how you'd like your life to be lived out. What would you write?

I'm not trying to start a debate about God's will or how much or how little we determine the course of our lives...but I am trying to draw out your dreams. What do you dream about accomplishing in your life? What big picture do you see?

I believe God has placed giftedness and talents beyond measure in each one of us. His intention is that once our hearts are won over by the love of Christ, Jesus will shine through our lives with the use of those specific gifts and talents unique to only us.

What do you love to do?
What makes you come alive or invigorates you?
When do you feel like you are accomplishing something worthwhile?
What things do you consider easy and enjoyable that others view as challenging or uninteresting?
What are your passions?
What do you dream about?
What have others noticed you do well or have great success in?

Jesus has purposefully placed those abilities, dreams and passions in your heart...but not just for yourself.

The bible says we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God as our spiritual act of worship. Yes, it is actually spiritual to do what you love, to be who you are. Being real is worship to God when we hold nothing back and give Him our all.

Here are my talents and what I feel I'm good at doing. Here are my passions that make my heart come alive. Here are my dreams - too big for me to accomplish on my own.

God made us intentionally. No matter how your life began He knew you would be here, living and breathing as another wonderful work of His creation. So, if we are made on purpose, shouldn't we live in the same manner? On purpose? With purpose.

To live with purpose, begin with who you are and what comes naturally or with ease. God's will doesn't have to be abstract or unknown. Simply bring glory and praises to God by how you live in this life. Let other see Him through you. Use all He has equipped you with to accomplish His will for your life.

Now take out a simple, blank sheet of paper and write down the things you are passionate about and your dreams of fulfilling those passions. Submit them to God in writing, offering Him your all. All your gifts, talents, dreams - everything that your heart contains - give to Jesus for Him to work through you, bringing glory to God. Keep the sheet of paper. In a few years you may find God's endorsement was at the bottom after all. And, you'll be able to look back and see God's will was for you to be YOU living fully from your heart for Jesus.