Friday, December 15, 2006

Going Back to Move Forward

Okay, okay - we aren't crazy. There are many, many people out in the Church (big "C") who want to run back to our simple roots of the faith like it was at the beginning. People meeting God around their dinner tables, breaking bread in their homes with other believers. The faith was pure, untouched by greed (until that whole dropping dead at Peter's feet episode - look it up for yourself), and it was full of power. Power to change lives like Jesus had done in his ministry among the masses. The Christian faith in America has too often been reduced to joining a local organization - getting involved, give your time/money (especially your money) to grow the church (little "c"). The American church is void of power which means it must be void of God. Scary thought. So complex and well structured, yet powerless.
Brian and I are getting back to our own roots of our faith - back to a drug addict saved and changed instantly, back to a sixteen year old girl stirred by what she read in the Bible before bed each night. It was all so simple then. It was before Bible school, before church politics, before business meetings and scandals, before building funds, and congregation splits. It was all about Christ and His power in our lives. It seems like going back to the way it was "before" can actually be a step forward. It is true in our personal walks with God and also true for the Church as a whole. Returning to our foundation - and beginning again, paying special attention to build only that which will endure, only what is pure. God is simple. He chooses the very humble things in our world to do exploits. I believe the days of the "Megachurch" are quickly fading. Mini, even tiny, gatherings are popping up worldwide. And, as always, God is going the humble route and changing the world.
I challenge you to simplify your faith. Get back to why you say you believe. What do you believe? Really. Is it lost in all the busy activities done in the name of God? Life is so full without churchy activities on top of it all. Jesus isn't about church (little "c"), but He is about His Church (big "C"). Learn the difference and you'll be at your foundation again. Then, you can build with confidence.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Home for the Holidays

We have the keys! We closed on Friday. The house (and the mortgage payment) is all ours! We are half moved into the new house and half at the rental. There is so much cleaning and unpacking to be done before Christmas. I haven't even thought of Christmas cards, or even a tree for that matter. Christmas? Already? Hopefully, we'll be unpacked by Christmas Eve. I've got to find that Martha Stewart baking is in a box somewhere downstairs. There are cookies to be made, Christmas lights to be hung, presents to be wrapped!!! I'll send out our new address and phone number in our Christmas cards as soon as I find my address book in the chaos now piled at the new house. When you get the card you can finally erase the pencil markings under our name in your address books and put our contact information in ink. It won't be changing every few months anymore. We are done with the moving, now to get on with the unpacking...