Saturday, November 10, 2007

Banana Lip

How could I forget!?!?!?!

Okay, minor detail from the last week...

While in the hospital acting as Noah's personal milk cow, my upper lip for some unknown reason swelled up. Picture a moderate size banana, flesh color and attached to my face - no kidding!!! I should have taken pictures but it didn't seem like a Kodak moment at the time.

I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind in the hospital, but as it turns out I became the freak show in Room 3405. All the student nurses came by to "check the monitors" when in fact they wanted to get a glimpse of my fat, lip. The nurses debated the cause of my ever-growing upper lip - fever blister, cold sore, allergic reaction - but it was our pediatrician that concluded it must be an allergic reaction. Crazy, because I'm allergic to nothing...until now.

And, I really mean until now. After getting home from the hospital Saturday and my lip finally gave up its fruity ways, I had a day of rest and then broke out in full body hives last night. Come ON! Yes, hives...and I'm allergic to NOTHING. Not a thing, people! Until now.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

As one who has experienced numerous allergic reactions in your presence I found this hysterical! Oh, man... what the heck are you allergic to??? I can't tell you how badly I would love to have a pic of your swollen lip... hahahaha