Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My First Day

Today was my very first day on my own as a mother of four children under the age of five. It was interesting to say the very least. Well, "interesting" may not be the best word to describe today. Hmmm. Imagine a small daycare environment complete with scattered toys and cheerios peeking out from under the furniture and one four-and-a-half-year-old boy with a mild fever and a frog in his throat communicating in his just-created-today version of sign language. He won't speak, but insists on pointing in various directions at objects seemingly non-related to get his dull mother just one day beyond total bedrest and pain meds to understand his request for a drink or that he wants his sister to move from her usual stance in front of the television. Wild waving of the arms like a drunk mime was added to my son's personal sign language in the late morning just as his fever spiked again. Also, visualize an eversoslightly chubby three-year-old girl dancing with Barney and his annoying friends on a throw rug that slides from side to side along the living room floor with each "cool dance move" that she copies from the purple dinosaur on the television. Add a small toddler to the dance floor, or rug, and you have a hilarious scene of clapping, marching, high kicks, singing and giggles...along with a drunk mime and cheerios now exposed as the rug draws them out from under the couches with each tumble and high kick dance move. Oh, and not to forget the newborn that tried his hardest to sleep in the midst of all the signing and dancing. He enjoyed nursing as if I were an all-you-can-eat-24/7-buffet and followed his meals with big burps and filled diapers - but no napping.

Then, there was the introduction of musical instruments. Barney revealed how a little imagination can change any toy or piece of garbage into a musical instrument. So, the dance floor was covered with toys, I mean, musical instruments. And, the playing continued until our late lunch.

Most of my day consisted of Isaac signing and gesturing until he finally consented to relaxing on the couch. Sophia played her newfound musical instruments and perfected her creative dance moves in the middle of the living room floor. Jack, not understanding Isaac's silence and erratic hand/arm movements, turned to his sister and tried his hardest to swipe one of her instruments only to run like heck to the other end of the house hoping she didn't tackle him in the process. Noah wasn't very successful at napping for most of today but he flew through half a pack of newborn diapers while he was awake. I found myself just thankful I wasn't bent over with a horrible headache. I could sit and enjoy the show and my four characters - and secretly vow to block Barney from my tv tomorrow. All in all, it was a hilarious and, yes, even an interesting day.


Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you for the update, Lori! I'm so thankful that your headache is gone!!! I know you are too.

You guys will have to send more pics... and of the whole family. I bet your kids have grown sooo much since I've seen you all last. I'll try and take pics of my kiddos today too as we're going out to an apple orchard.

Noah might be the first Biggers child that I never get to meet as a baby!

Anonymous said...

She's baaaaack!
I've missed you.

Mon said...

Again, you humor me with your posts. If you didn't have a newborn on your hands, I would secretly get you entered into a writing column that provided a little income on the side. Go with the talent God gave you...think writing, forget diapers :)