Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Painting and TV-less Parenting

Brian and I finally tackled the main level of our house over the past couple of weeks with paint and lots of it. Whew!!! We started in the family room with a "soft" banana cream that turned out to be waaaaay more banana than cream. Then, we brought the wheatgrass color down from the hallway upstairs to finally (at last!!!) cover over the horrible red wall in the front room/dining room. The kitchen, completely by - no joke - Brian's choosing is electric sort of blue. Think Bahamas. So, our rainbow of colors that began upstairs has continued to the main level of the house.

Oh, and I can't forget the orange/melon color that beckons all visitors in the entry hallway. Brian put it this way...he had wanted a mellow color to greet guests with a whispering, "Hi, come on in. Have a seat." Instead, when the front door is opened the orange screams, "HI YOU ALL!!! HOW THE HECK ARE YOU?!?!?! COME IN! COME IN! COME IN!!!!" I love the colors and they are all growing on Brian. He doesn't have much wiggle room to complain since he selected the colors this time around.

With all our painting and rotating of furniture from room to room, we've had all our cable and internet wires disconnected during our mini room makeovers. This has meant zero television for the kids and quite an adjustment for Brian and I. I honestly did not realize how much tv the kids watched until it wasn't distracting them. For the first couple days the kids were bored, getting overly punchy with each other and complaining about not having anything to watch. Keep in mind, my kids are four and under! Because we had not intentionally limited their tv watching we had allowed some really bad habits to form. If the kids were fighting or getting overly hyper we'd turn on a show for them. If it was dinner time and we needed them safely playing out of the kitchen we'd turn on a show. If two children were napping and the third needed to stay quiet...yep, another show. Our children are so full of energy and imagination and rather than channeling it all into something constructive, Brian and I had become suckers for the idiot box (this being my mother's reference to the television set when I was a kid - and now, I couldn't agree more!).

So, anyhoo, by the third day a wonderful change occurred - the kids rediscovered their toys and began playing. I mean, really playing. They made up games with each other and played for hours together. One afternoon they amazed Brian and I when they lined up all the kitchen chairs to make a "pirate boat". While we painted, Isaac and Sophia fought off the "bad pirate", Baby Jack, who was trying to steal their treasure. Before the boat was fully constructed the kids were being very high maintenance - to the point that Brian had even wanted to hook up the tv just to get them to relax for a few minutes. But we opted to skip the tv and the kids had a blast playing with each other. Even Jack enjoyed himself once he became a "good pirate" and was allowed on the boat.

Brian and I aren't anti-tv by any means, but we are getting rid of cable. We don't need a tv babysitter so why should we be paying for one? We need to adjust and make more room in our lives for our kids and let them be kids (what a novel idea!). I don't see how the time they spend in front of the television fosters anything good in them - so we are on a new quest as parents to discover what will foster their energy and imaginations.

Who knew a decision to finally get some pretty colors up on our walls would change how we raise our kids!?!?! Now, I wonder what will happen when we clean out the basement!!!


Bob Carder said...

Man, I wish I was there to help you with the painting. And, I'm proud of your strength and courage to put the children first and refuse to let the TV rule your lives.

Your discerning observations of children change amaze me. Life without TV is really better, just as you say.

I love you guys!

Elizabeth said...

We had cable for a few months over the winter(you can't get local channels here w/o it) and Corban became a little vegetable. Well, and Emme was a newborn and all I did all day was nurse - or so it felt - and watch shows b/w feeding and diaper changes.

We cancelled it in the spring and I realized how much TV we all had been watching!

I still will put on a morning Dvd and one in the afternoon, but that is our goal for a limit. If I have a big pile of lanudry to fold I might put on a movie I like, but Corban ignores it. I guess boys are just born hating Anne of Green Gables LOL! Emme has never looked longer at the tv than 2 seconds.

Anway, now in the evenings I sit out on the deck and stare at the sunset and later the lightening bugs. I knit, or read... or Brian and I play a video game. I can't imagine ever getting cable again!

And yes, w/o TV my house now looks like a day care center exploded - toys and tupperware throughout, but I am so glad the kids play!

Lori said...

Well, as it turns out, to have just phone and internet - minus the cable costs will actually somehow cost us MORE than having cable, phone and internet in a bundle. Our local library has free wireless internet connections so I may just cancel it all and just have the home phone.
I've been wanting to get a library habit going anyway, and maybe if I have to leave the house for the internet I will avoid the hermit issues that come with a newborn. Or, I may be crazy and Brian is right that I don't realize how much we use the internet from day to day. Bills online, blogging, looking up directions to B's jobsites...
UGH! It must be possible for a family to survive without the internet in house...and what about cell phones...
Our two year cell phone contract is finally coming to a close next month so we need to change our plan or get rid of them all together. What do you all think?

Mon said...

We did not have internet for 2 years, but I could use it at work. At first not having a cell phone anymore was hard, but Tim insisted that we didn't need one. Now we do just fine without them like we did the first 20 years of our lives. We never purchased satelite (cable was not available). If your accustome to living without those things, then you'll never miss them. I think it would be hard not having the internet now that I'm at home all the time.

Are you going to post some colorful pics of your house?