Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Happy Birthday, Frog

The celebration of all things Frog was today. My motherly plans of a Martha-Stewart-like birthday was gradually reduced to dinner out, purchased cupcakes and a couple debatably educational toys for our soon-to-be-toddler. Frog covered himself in his cupcake, chased his older brothers with his Curious George balloon and has finally fallen asleep in my arms. One year has produced the most amazing baby boy. With his signature chubby cheeks, reddish fine hair and meandering, arched-back walk not unlike that of a cowboy ice skating for the first time (picture it...piiicture it), Frog is unique as our fourth baby and yet he blends among his siblings as well. He is curious like Spikes, easy going like Piggy and whines with determination like Lamby. (Frog has recently adapted his whine to an "ahhh" moo-like extended sigh. He follows me room to room until I take notice and scoop him up.) Frog dances, spins in circles when excessively excited, and reaches out with a few words of gibberish when he needs a toy or more importantly, a cracker. He says "Mama" and "Da" and already attempts to tattle on his siblings with a few more sounds he conjures up, such as "ffff" "pifff" "sssss" "babababaaaaah" and "eeeess", usually used in combination with severe pointing and wiggling of the fingers in the direction of the offender (read: Piggy). I hope to remember Frog's first smiles for years to come - he tosses his head aaaaall the way back and flashes all six of his baby teeth while creating fat dimples in his chubby cheeks. There's nothing better this side of heaven. Happy Birthday, Fat Baby - my one year old boy!


theciskekidsrblessings said...

Well, I guess its time for you to start thinking of having another! hehe! I love one year olds! Well, and 2 year olds, and three year olds! hehe!
Sometimes I think a one year old birthday is more for the parents... "AHH, we made it, he's still alive!"
Congrats, mom! and Happy Birthday Noah!

Anonymous said...

Thanc you for putting my thouts in to wurds

Mon said...

I am looking forward to the 1st birthday party tomorrow. We keep thinking Noah is younger that what he is. I guess the hight of our almost 2-year-old throws us off.

Elizabeth said...

Well said Stevie! LOL!

Look at you your little blogging maniac. I should have checked back more often!

PS Happy belated bday Noah!