Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One down, One to Go...Again

So, Jack is potty trained pretty well - no accidents since Saturday and he's dry through naps, no stickers required. I still diaper the kid for bedtime as I need to steal as much sleep as possible during the night time hours - I say that as all the kids are asleep and I'm blogging. Eh, anyway, I have a dry and clean Jack this week thankfully and wouldn't you know it, Isaac has hit a wonderful bed wetting phase. I know bed wetting is something all parents are suppose to stop and analyse the kid, the kid's surroundings, and so on. I honestly just think the little booger gets cold when he gets up at night to pee and the stubborn thing (don't know where on earth he gets it from!) tries to hold out until morning. He lasts until usually the wee wee (pun intended) hours of the morning then springs a leak. The commotion of a naked Isaac waking me to ask for underwear and the shuffling of bedding that his leak causes usually wakes Noah, who in turn wants to eat, then B's alarm goes off and I'm awake. Tired, awake and looking at another pile of smelly bedding to wash.

I've tried cash rewards (a dime a night for a dry bed and a dry little boy) and I've tried candy and lots of it. I've tried peer pressure (don't ask) and I've tried sister pressure ("I never pee in my bed," Sophia boasts to her brother as we haul the smelly bedding downstairs to be washed again). And, I've tried the cheerleader approach and the disappointed parent approach - both with the same results...a wet bed. So, I wave my white flag - surrender!!! Tomorrow, B is going to buy those bed wetting underwear that are advertised constantly on TV these days. I'm sure they are mad expensive, but with the money saved from Jack being OUT of diapers we can swing it to put my, ahem, five year old IN them.

Poor guy. He's such a good boy. I know this must be difficult for him as he loves earning an easy dime and consuming large amount of chocolate first thing in the morning. I just hope to God (seriously) that he won't be in these things for years. Either he'll have a college fund or he'll have bed wetting pricey pants, but we can't do both. Really it isn't about the money, I just want the boy to sleep at night and to be comfortable, to have restful sleep and all that good stuff growing little boys need - and to not add heaps and heaps of wet smelly bedding to my laundry pile each morning before dawn, that would be nice, too.


Mon said...

I don't know how you all train your kids so fast. I know Makayla didn't potty train in a week! I am not going through any potty training experiences right now, but Ruben is starting to take his diaper off. Yesterday, Ruben took his poopy diaper off twice and got it all over the floor. Last night, Tim went into his room and found Ruben with his PJ pants & diaper off and pee on his bed. So I put a diaper soaker over his diaper and he kept it on all night. Any suggestions?

Mon said...

Oh, and I like your Live Traffic Feed. Awesome!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, sounds like everything I did to try and potty train Corban. Must be a firstborn thing. Its like they can't be bribed or anything! I did the whole chocolate, toy, sticker, etc thing too.

And wow, you potty trained Jack! Okay, I guess I should start thinking about potty training Emme...

Elizabeth said...

PS I also love the live feed. I came to you site just to see who visted from where... LOL!