Thursday, May 22, 2008

Elizabeth's Baby and So Much More

Elizabeth had her baby girl! Click my "Giz" link to see the first posted picture of Penelope Grace. So cute! Yes, an Italian/Midwesterner mix makes for beautiful babies.

When I saw her picture I sighed and said "Oh, seeing that baby girl makes me want to have another baby girl!" Isaac sighed as well and said, "Yeah, when I saw all that ice cream on Barney this morning it made me want ice cream."

Sophia smiled and covered her mouth at the very idea of a baby sister. Isaac, on the other hand, spouted off with big hand gestures, "But, I don't even like Jack! He annoys me and keeps me up all night!!!" I looked to Jack - he nodded his head and said, "Yep. I do." Jack has recently moved into our big boy bedroom with Isaac so Noah can sleep in the nursery. The adjustment has been interesting to say the very least. Last night Isaac got up to use the bathroom and Jack worked himself into a fit in less than a minute because he thought Isaac was up playing and had left him in his crib high and dry without a toy in sight. Then he heard the toilet flush and a tired Isaac wandered back to his bed. Jack was willing to lay down again but kept one watchful eye on his bigger brother as he fell asleep. No one, and I mean, no one in this house is going to be playing with Thomas trains or Hotwheels without Jack knowing about it.

I hope Isaac will get used to falling asleep while being watched. I figure this on some level is a payback for all the late nights I had with Isaac when he was a toddler. The child didn't sleep unless Brian or I were in the bedroom with him. Now he has the personal monitoring he's always wanted in the form of a little brother. "I-dit, Iiiiiii-dit!" - and someone to softly sing him to sleep as well.

1 comment:

Mon said...

I just love to watch the personalities come out in your children. "They say the darnest things." Makayla has grown out of that stage, but Ruben is getting there. He is starting the babbling, hand gestures and head bobbing. That's enough of a reason for me to have another one.