Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Don't Sweat the Small Italian

The "small stuff" - the insignificant life crap that happens from time to time. The stuff we should easily overlook. The stuff not worth getting upset or frustrated over. The stuff like loosing the car keys, running out of diapers late in the evening, or like my small - er, short, Italian mother-in-law.

Brian got a letter today from the UNO Chicago Grill thanking him for "advising us of our failure to make your experience with us a great one." WHAT THE...!?!?! Then, I remembered the one restaurant we ate out at with Brian's parents while they were visiting a few weeks ago was the UNO Chicago Grill. Sigh. B's mother must have complained to the management via email or letter or something on our behalf...signing her son's name and giving our address for a return response. How nice of her.

I called Brian...
"Did you read the letter from the Chicago Grill?"
"Your mother must have complained and signed your name..."
"Babe, don't sweat the small stuff. Who cares?!?!"
"I do! Who knows what she said!....blah, blah, blah, BLAAAAAH!"
I continued to quickly rattle off my valid reasons for being annoyed, knowing full well that Brian was only hearing "Blah, blah, BLAH!"
"Look, if you want to contact the Chicago Grill to clear our family name go ahead. I gotta go. I'm in the middle of somethin'..."
"Okay. Loveyoubye."

As I removed myself from my soapbox (I keep one handy in the kitchen for emergencies) I realized that Brian's ability to overlook the "small stuff" is admirable and slightly irritating to me.

Thankfully, the things we have to deal with in our relationship with B's parents have been downscaled to "small stuff" in recent months - mainly by our own perspective change and change in geographical locations. But, still the "small stuff" is something we have to deal with if even to just brush it aside and say, "Who cares!"

Unfortunately for me, when the insignificant life crap comes in multiple doses too close together for my liking I find the growing pile of pooh difficult to ignore. You know, the whole "straw that broke the camel's back" theory? That's me. A big, stupid camel cowering under a load of straw. Itchy, annoying, Italian straw.

And, for all you now wondering about the UNO Chicago Grill...it was totally fine. We even ate the leftover pizza. The fact that the meal was fine was in my running list of "valid reasons to be annoyed" given over the phone to Brian...but, who cares, right? Don't sweat the small stuff.


Anonymous said...

My Dear Lori (Bombeck)Biggers,
Although a pebble is small, when it is in your shoe it is very irritating. So is a chigger bite
(which is always somewhere you can't scratch in public.) It's
probably just another flaw in my
character but I too "sweat the small stuff." Just ask Sherry.

Davy Crockett (pathfinder)

Elizabeth said...

wait, so did they give a coupon for your next visit? Had to ask LOL!

And, we used our last diaper on Corban earlier tonight; thank you for mentioning that horrible predictament.

(oh yeah, it is 3 am here and I am awake... my flu like symtoms woke me up) .... sigh

There is no way I am cding that boy! Brian got a fever earlier in the evening and will be home tomorrow. So, looks like poor sick me will running to wally world in the morn.

Lori said...

A coupon? Sort of. We can bring in the letter they sent in response to "our" complaint. YEAH, RIGHT!!! Like I'm going to invite that spit ball on my food!

We will have to find another location to enjoy a Chicacgo style pizza.

Fletch - good to know I'm not alone in my annoyance of the small stuff!

Mon said...

How do you explain to the restaurant manager that your mother-in-law is a quack? My mischiefeous side says to find a restaurant where she lives and do the same, but I guess that's not what good christians are suppose to do. I find myself holding back on revenge all the time. At least I don't give in to the temptation.

Anonymous said...

It was the small Irish man who did the complaining to suit his dissatisfaction for his meal...(this is a man who rarely complains) He also lives a thousand miles away from that restraunt and requested the complimentary lunch be sent to his son and daughter-in-law.(thanks dad). I don't know many folks who look the gift horse in the mouth any more! Has anyone ever told you not to complain so much? People of God don't brag about it they just follow His word which includes the commandments(there are 10..perhaps you forgot this one..Honor thy father and mother). Prayers are being spoken in your name. Here is a Bible verse to add to your collection.....Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10