Thursday, May 24, 2007

Progessively Me

As I've posted recently, I am working on being my wonderful self - having purposefully killed the image of June Cleaver in my mind. And, the results are quite the opposite of what I had expected. The chaos in our home has subsided to a huge degree and in its place order has been established.

This process began with me realizing that I am gifted in some things (majority of them I thought had nothing to do with mothering) and for all else I needed to intentionally develop skills to achieve my personal goals. Since my goals shifted from an unrealistic image of motherhood to the reality of Lori being a good wife/mom, I could strive toward my goals with confidence because the goals were fully ME - who I am and how I would like my life to be structured.

After doing a bit of research I pulled some good pointers about having a big family and managing our household. I only searched under larger households because so many people have been telling us what a big family we are about to have (I hardly think of four kids as a "big" family, but what the hey...might as well get the structure down now before any additional babies join the fun). I put these pointers together with some I pulled from the Queen of Clean book my sister gave me for Mother's Day (thank you, thank you, Ang!!!) - aaaand, then one more helpful website ( was added to the mix. The result is a flexible routine that fits my random personality - and for the first time the routine is working for ME, not me scrambling to do someone else's checklist.

This coming week, after I get over this virus, I will being compiling a household binder to keep my scatterbrained thoughts in one place. Topics will range from money and shopping lists to lesson plans for the kids and possible family outing destinations. I'll post on the success or ultimate failure of the binder system in the future.

Managing a household touches on so many topics. The binder system was the best way I could come up with to keep them all in order and in one place. On a week to week basis, I deal with finances, kids projects/lessons, family time, God/spiritual disciplines, keeping the house clean and fully stocked with supplies - these being household items such as light bulbs and soap to food, and my own projects for the house, like making curtains or diapers. I'm not sure a binder will be the right method to get organized but I need some sort of visual to get my mind in order and these varied topics flowing with ease in our home. How do you all keep these topics in order and accessible? Are they all placed together or are they separate in your thinking?


Anonymous said...

Seems like your new job title is House Manager. That sounds pretty important. You should ask Brian for a raise...or can incorporate your own raise since you are "House Manager".
Seriously, this sounds great! Everyone has their own way of organizing themselves. Just because Elizabeth follows a strict time-line and I go by what I feel like I need to accomplish for the day doesn't mean this works for everyone else. I hope this works well for you. Maybe you could just make a section in your binder for "Personal Tasks" for your sewing and not-so-supressing projects.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I just typed a novel on the other post, so I'll try to keep this a little shorter. I've tried the binders, but find them somewhat of a pain to stick stuff in. I prefer a small hanging file on my desk for my "action files" and then a file cabinet for my less used info. In my desk file, I keep an "action" folder for things to be done during that week, a "calendar" folder for invitations, schedules, etc..., a "computer" folder for things that need to be entered in the computer, a "calls" file with any info I need to complete calls, a "coupon" folder for great coupons, an "education" folder for kids' homework or class project needs, a "PTO" folder for those items, and I'll also have a folder for any important individual project I'm working on, such as "Painting" with paint chips, sales ads, etc... I try to clear out the files on Friday nights for the upcoming week. I match up my folders with electronic folders on my computer. Okay, that's it for now. ~Your sister

Anonymous said...

The folder organization is a great idea! I always stuff everything in a basket or pile it on the counter. As long a I could remember to look in my folder daily then I wouldn't have to have clutter sitting around. I always leave stuff that I need to get done setting out or I'm afraid I will forget about it.

Judy said...

Hey Lori! I was glad to find you blog! Another whole dimension of you! I love it!

I've raised 3 young ones and you already outnumber me, but I did have some of the same issues. Organization, organization, organization. I can get it organized but keeping it that way was always the quest.

Here are a couple of things that have finally proven to be the ones that work for me. First...less...less of everything from spices to towels. Once a year I "de-clutter" cabinets, drawers and closets and put everything I think I "might" need but don't use now in a box and store it in the garage (note- candles don't do well in the garage during the summer :). Whatever I don't rescue during the year goes directly to goodwill. And I don't even open it to see what I'm giving away because I have forgotten what is in the box. anyway.

The second is more of a personal goals/ time management thing. On Sunday night I sit down and write a list of everything I want to accomplish during the upcoming week. That includes quiet times, exercise and leisurely reading (yea, right, you might say). I put cleaning chores, phone calls I need to make, EVERYTHING! I have even been known to schedule a time for getting up and going to bed. That sounds weird I know, but it really helps me to keep on task. Then during the day I get to 'scratch' off my list and it feels sooooo good. I get much more of what I want to do accomplished with these kind of lists.

See you soon....Judy Martin