Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lunch Time Conversation

"Wouldn't it be silly if we cooked with the microwave and heated up food in the oven?" Spikes asked me as I prepped our leftovers for lunch.

"Yes, that would be backwards. Wouldn't it be silly if we typed on the phone and talked on the computer?" I asked him without going into a lengthy explanation of texting and the like.

"Yeah, (paused as he thought for a quick moment) that WOULD be silly!" He said with a giggle.

I continued, "...or what if we washed our clothes in the bathtub and took baths in the washing machine?!?" Spikes and Lamby laughed then Piggy, who was quick to steal a little spotlight for himself, exclaimed, "And this will be funny - if I poop on you guys!!!"

Potty talk dominated the conversation after Piggy's insightful...declaration.


theciskekidsrblessings said...

I read this aloud to my husband and couldn't stop laughing at the poop stuff... he got annoyed since he couldn't understnad me! hehe! He had to read it himself, he is laughing too!

Mon said...

Ok, I am laughing out loud at work also! He's definitely got some Mann blood in him.

As for the microwave, we have successfully made it almost 1 week without ours. With a little more patients, the stove top can produce the same thing. I love my extra counter space!

Elizabeth said...

oh my goodness. that, after the mouse story... gave me lots of laughs!!