Monday, October 01, 2007

Here we go again.

What's up everybody!?
Thought I'd give everybody an update. Here goes our fourth time around. After a long start to our weekend (extremely long for me) you know the 20 hours of work, sorting pricing, setting up ect. that go in to a yard sale my wife somehow managed to squeeze 56 dollars out of the suburban bargain hunters who love to pilfer through other peoples stuff and find that one baby gap sweater marked fifty cents that they think is only worth a quarter. Anyway as long as my pregnant wife is happy. Back to the baby though, Lori's contractions started some time yesterday around 11:00am with mild and sporatic contractions pretty much throughout the day and evening. I think I better hurry up as I look behind my shoulder either that breakfast sandwich I just ran and got her is really hot, or she's breathing through a intense contraction, now about 5 minutes apart, closes to time to go to the hospital. Grand Ma is on the way to hold down the fort, and I imagine we will be leaving here within the hour.So while the kid didn't get me out of the dreadful yard sale this weekend, he has got me out of work this week with plenty of time for my morning routine on this monday morning, now if we can get him out of there in a timley fashion this week just happens to coincide with the fall's prime fishing season. Alright so I'll try to keep you updated gotta run.


Mon said...

Yah, an October baby. We can't wait to see the new little one. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

We're waiting on the new little guy's arrival and thinking of you today. How about Levi Thomas Biggers? :) That struck me while I was freezing all night on a boy scout campout. All of your names are great ~ he will make his entrance and you'll know what fits him best. Love, the Kansans

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's some more names from my friend Angi G., the baby name guru.
Sutton (that just happens to be a family name, too.)

And one or two from me...

Mon said...

The voting poll doesn't seem to be working from my end. Here are the names we like:
Monica - Alexander
Tim - Noah
Makayla - Thomas
Jack - Noah

...and yes Brian is a jerk :) Fishing should not even be thought of at this point. Don't worry, Tim would be considered a jerk too.

Amy said...

so i like Noah Alexander Biggers...

Anonymous said...

we like Alexander thr best, but then we should'nt tell you because you would never pick it.