Saturday, May 26, 2007

Prayer Request

I'll post this since I know a few prayer warriors are lurking week to week absorbing my life without comments...which is totally fine, but now we need you all to pray for a little boy.

A teacher friend of a family members had a student that fell out of a two story window. His parents evidently were helping a family move into this home. There is some bleeding that doctors are trying to figure out the source (primary focus) in addition to skull fractures and swelling. His name is Caleb and he's three.

I'll forward this to our church family for prayer - and I'm sure Monica, Giz and our friendly lurkers will do the same.

So, God heal Caleb from all injury. Thank you for sparing his life! Fill his parents and their entire family with faith and be near them through this difficult time - carry this burden for them. Please heal the bleeding and stop it at its source. Show yourself to be strong on their behalf. You are the God of miracles and we are thankful that we can come to you in faith and know that you hear our request for Caleb and his family. In Jesus name we ask these things knowing you love us and hear the prayers of faith being made for this family.


Elizabeth said...

Lori, I just read your blog... we've been away and whatnot. Do you have any updates. I will keep them in my prayers.

But, let us know how they are doing!

Lori said...

The following is an update I received about Caleb. I think this is the teacher friend's update. Anyway - all looks good. Thank God!!!

"GREAT NEWS! Caleb is home from the hospital. The doctors are amazed at how fast he is recovering and how his injuries should be worse--we all know that God is taking care of him and is so amazing. I did see him last night and he looks fine, only thing you can see externally is a scrap on his arm and a bruise. He is home now with NO rough housing or running for at least two weeks.

Thank you so very much for your prayers! His parents are so thankful for everyones prayers--they watched amazing things happen and know it is prayer at work. Thank you for being there for me to ask you to pray."