Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Surprise Success

Dad's surprise 60th birthday was a success. Our guests arrived and were snacking away when Mom and Dad pulled up - a little late as planned (Go, Mom!). The crowd was poised with cameras ready at the end of our entry hallway when I rushed in the front door to let them know Dad had gone through the gate to the back of the house. The whole mass of family and friends turned just in time to yell "SURPRISE" to a nearly sixty year old man, my father, smiling sheepishly at our back patio door. Surprise success.

Fifty-four guests graced our home to celebrate Dad's birthday. Many were extended family members that I hadn't seen since I was a child - and now here I am with three children of my own. Am I really a mother of three? No, make that four. Yes, Baby Four - a girl we think, is due this Fall. I broke out the maternity clothing for the party. Either I looked pregnant or I looked like I had grown a rather decent beer belly - both according to Brian are impossible since I don't pay attention to him and I don't drink beer. So, back to maternity clothing. Oh, joy.

The party was our first bash in our first home. We took over the cul-de-sac or "broke in the neighborhood" as one family member put it. A passing thunderstorm supplied just the right amount of mud for all the kids to play in. I quickly discovered that I needed to invest in more - many, many more - towels. Mud covered kids were positioned very carefully in front of each family grouping for pictures. Pictures outside, then inside, and pictures on video - then, more pictures and scanning of, yes, even more pictures. A complete rainbow appeared over the house as guests made their way home. Rainbows are very special to me - so it was a perfect ending to a wonderful day with family and friends.

A full tray of ziti and a tray of meatballs somehow survived the afternoon (guess what's for dinner for, say, the next week or so...). The evening ended with Dad working over his new lottery tickets with a penny and with a quick run to Wal-Mart for new bath towels. After a fast sweep of dried, muddy footprints we called it a day. A very good day.

Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you and hope you remember us when you scratch off that winning lottery ticket. =)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Go Lori! How exciting. I love having family over to our place. Makes me wish it was just a wee bit bigger.