Monday, March 13, 2006

Healthy, Wanted, Babies

Isaac had the ultimate accident today. He peed while standing on the couch. Gross. Off he went to the bathtub and I threw Sophia in as well - more or less to keep track of her while I cleaned up Isaac. Jack was transported via his blue bouncy seat to just beyond the threshold of the bathroom. All three children were accounted for...and all three started freakin' out. Isaac was cold due to the pee covering his entire lower body, Sophia wanted nothing to do with actually getting cleaned up - she wanted to play with the bathtoys. And, Jack was the third and final contestant to join in b/c he decided he was tired and his siblings were keeping him awake. That was just a small portion of my morning. Lunchtime was even MORE exciting!!!
I forced Brian into adult conversation tonight as he tried to sneak off to bed early. I was stressed from the busy day and only found myself ending it all with the must-do chores of dishes and laundry. Brian was a delightful sounding board but since he looked like a deer caught in headlights I let him off the hook and he got to bed early without hearing all the details of smelly couch cushions and how I managed to keep Sophia's head above water as she threw a fit in the bathtub. I am realizing the challenge of raising three kids more and more lately and was feeling pretty sorry for myself until I read a magazine article about abandoned children in China - primarily girls - and a premature baby that died just one day shy of the 100 day milestone his parents were hoping for him to reach. Who knew a scrapbooking magazine would have such sobering articles?!? Anyway, I felt such a shift mentally! Thank God!
Our children are healthy! Isaac has ZERO problems with his bladder (other than controlling it) and Sophia has amazing reflexes or so I learned today while wrestling her in the bath. Jack's perfect from head to toe. And they are WANTED in our home. We had them on purpose and love them. So many babies in this world have health problems or aren't wanted by their families at all. How sad! So, my perspective has changed for the better. I thank God for my kids - even when they pee on the couch. Eh, the couch is borrowed anyway!!!

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